
Parivartana means ‘change’ and change is universal behaviour. Change when it comes to our life it has to be positive. It is undesirable to be negative for oneself. Many a times while passing through the life we tend to learn something as a new lesson to be better, inculcate it and cultivate it for years to realize that it was a mistake to be so. This mistake brings in disappointment and lowers the confidence to new low that many find it tough and hopeless to recover from it.

Avoiding new lessons and finding the best lesson to imbibe in life is easy provided we have great gurus in our life to guide us. Shrimad Bhagwat Gita through the great Mahabharata give us the ultimate life lessons that lead us on the path of sukarma(good deeds) and help us gain credit that is valued by devi devtas.

Acharya Shri Praveen guru ji through his deep study on mahabharata has attained profound gyana to inline oneself on the right and optimized path to glory. This useful gyana can help us to understand not only our day to day life incidences but also help us manage team members at work place, resolve global administrative decisions and put you at utmost comfort in almost all tough times.

PunyaKarma takes great pleasure to offer you such gyana to overcome anxiety, depression, home sickness, laziness, stubbornness, etc in both children and adult.

PunyaKarma is glad to announce that course is made available for public. Join us by taking the course. As the saying goes “Its better late than never” would appeal everyone to take this training program of inner Parivartana.

Course fees

  • Foreign nationals
30 Days$500/person
60 Days$900/person
($100 Discount
if booked before 30 Jan 24)

Bharat residents

30 DaysRs.1000/person
60 DaysRs. 1800/person
(Rs.200 Discount
if booked before 30 Jan 24)

Pay to UPI ID: praveenkirsur@icici


Scan the QR code below
