The gist of being on this planet lies in the way you live with your surrounding nature. We tend to live this life the way we have learnt from the same surrounding however that has not been sufficient to make things better so far.
Thus, to be a good being for the nature we need superior, auspicious and blessed gyana to keep the nature at peace and ourselves in balance with this nature. At PunyaKarma you will learn the vedic approach of living in harmony with your surroundings. You will learn to interact with this nature through messaging, praising through pooja arti, feeding, symbolizing, emphasizing and many other methods that are passed through ages from great gurus into their family lineage. Similarly the knowledge has been passed from guru into the family lineage of Shri Praveen Acharya guru ji.
It is immense pleasure for Shri Praveen guru ji to give this gyana to the world for a better sustainable future of younger generation. Please feel blessed and gifted to be part of such teaching at PunyaKarma.
Like there is knowledge everywhere but it takes huge time and efforts to gather that knowledge to be able to give it to interested people. It is that effort and time spent requires guru dakshina to be paid to your guru to sustain this knowledge gathering and spreading system, also referred as Guru-Shishya parampara.
Please feel glad to make that contribution in return to the knowledge you will receive by joining the course.
Fees | Duration |
$200/person | 15 Days |
Pay to UPI ID: praveenkirsur@icici
Scan the QR code below