Weight Management

Manushya is responsible and others are not much.

– Shri Praveen Acharya

As a responsible manushya we are expected to govern our own body for the well being of ourself, family and society. Lack of focus, work stress, bad time schedules of food intake are driving us to be irresponsible towards our precious wealth i.e health.

Weight loss/weight gain is seen quite commonly among all even at young age. Its a silently and without consent obtained uneasy state of body realized in few years. Its an Anarogya meaning ‘not well’. Sometimes this anarogya extends itself into difficult side effects such as anxiety, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, frequent bowel movements, swollen glands, hair loss, hand tremor, heat intolerance, etc.

Balanced body is liked by all as it offers you comfort to do your daily duties.

However, nowadays it has become a mystery to manage our own body for several reasons. Punyakarma has stepped forward to assist people in managing body weight both for thin and obese people. We provide you with a course to be followed under our guidance. This course includes dietary control, thoughts up bringing at mental plain and exercises of special kind to achieve the perfect fitness.

Course details

S.NoNameDurationFees/monthBook Now
1Obesity Reduction90 days1999Scan below to pay
2Weight Gain30 days999Scan below to pay
3Fitness ContinuityUnlimited599Scan below to pay

For more information please feel free to call us on the below number between 10:00 AM to 6:00PM All days

Phone: 9834306851